My Portfolio
You can see an explanation of my portfolio and projects. The GitHub version will be available soon.

Sample Movie Details and Listing Website
The project incorporates both client-side and server-side technologies. The front-end utilizes HTML, CSS, and JS. The lists page retrieves movie data from a database constructed using Apache and MySQL. The website consists of four pages: home, movies, lists, and about us. The movie detail page displays relevant information such as the director, rating, and other details, including a movie trailer. In the lists section, users can interact with a movie table and create lists based on its content.

Model Based Design and Implementation of IoT Network
I use MATLAB-Simulink to construct the design, enabling real-time monitoring of the patient's current situation in the sample hospital monitoring system. The project's objective involves the creation of a model-based design and implementation of an IoT system employing low-power processors for enhanced speed and security. The system simulates the design using the Zigbee communication protocol. I obtain patient data, encrypt it, and transfer it using the RC5 algorithm. The output includes an alarm that reflects the patient's health condition. Upon simulation, Embedded Coder generates the code, which is subsequently observed in MicroBlaze, Xilinx's virtual processor.

Dino Animation by Assembly and ARM Cortex-M0 Emulator
A Dino Runner game, similar to the one created by Google, is constructed on a 240x320 LCD screen. The game operates on an ARM Cortex-M0 emulator, implemented using the C programming language. Pixel maps are crafted for the dino, cloud, and cactus, allowing specific areas to be painted through RAM operations. Following the painting process, an algorithm establishes shifting operations. The jumping operation is triggered by user keyboard input, while the game concludes if the dino collides with a cactus.

Artificial Neural Network Model On Pacman and Weather Forecast
I create the Pacman game using Python's Pygame library, aiming to explore various options by modifying the input features. To maintain an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model, I avoid utilizing the convolution layer typically applied to image-related tasks. After that, my aim is to apply this network to predict weather forecasts. Firstly, I select and normalize a dataset obtained from Kaggle. Next, I train the system using different evolution strategies, experimenting with diverse sizes and layers. Although the results may be limited, this process demonstrates the potential use of evolution strategies in more conventional problem-solving scenarios.

Risc-V Processor Design by Verilog HDL
I built the RISC-V processor from scratch in detail using Verilog HDL. Initially, I implemented combinational and sequential circuits as a library within Xilinx's Vivado. Following the creation of the libraries, I proceed to construct BRAM and 2-D convolution circuits, which are subsequently employed in an image processing system. Utilizing this design, we are able to blur input images and observe the result in the output.

ARINC 429 Data Standart by Verilog HDL
ARINC-429 serves as a data protocol for supporting the local network of aircraft. It utilizes a self-clocking structure and operates synchronously. The protocol transmits the data message as a single word, with a length of 32 bits. I designed a Finite State Machine in accordance with the ARINC data protocol, configuring the 32-bit data as specified in the manual. The implementation and simulation of this data standard on an FPGA are accomplished using Verilog HDL and Vivado.

Telemarketing Feedback Screen Updates
The objective is to design a feedback screen for use by the banking team. Engineers can refill the screen page on a monthly basis, and the manager will have permission to view the feedback after each session. Additionally, the goal is to export this information to an Excel file and display the data in the company database. During the project, I utilized HTML, C#, JS, and MySQL to accomplish these tasks.